Friday, January 31, 2014

blog as a time machine

for the last few days, i have been toying with the idea of writing again. i miss writing even though i have been seriously sporadic on frequency and severely limited on talent.

so before i restarted writing, i actually went back and read many of my posts over the last 2-3 years. and it felt like stepping into a time warp or getting into a time machine - i remembered exactly where i was when i was writing, what i wrote and why. it was a nice feeling.
i recently read a line which posed the profound question 'would you like you if you met you?'. having read my blog, i would be curious certainly, not sure about the liking bit though.

net net i thought i should start blogging again. i am older, fatter and wiser now. my family shrunk almost by half over the last eight months. i quit a job, changed cities, took a job, started being a full-time wife after two years of a weekend marriage, collected 3 new owl figures taking the count to 18. the more things around me change, the more i hold on to the things that make me, me.

and writing is defintiely me. hence blogging again.