Wednesday, February 2, 2011

then and now

i didn't even know this song existed till i heard it on the radio this morning.

i had only ever heard this version of it.

like i always say, one lives and learns, n'est-ce pas?

crossing the rubicon

i have gone ahead with a decision that indicates i probably will stay away from husband and family for perhaps a year, or even more. at this point, it doesn't feel real. at this point, j and i are both convinced that it is the right thing to do. at this point, in fact, as always neither of us is capable of rejecting progress, of happily accepting the status quo.
only time will tell how this actually goes. like laura branigan sang...
"only time will tell what a heart is gonna do
only time will tell who's the dreamer, who's the fool
only time will tell..."
crossing my fingers.

in other news, i am off on a three-day weekend. without j. with a girl friend for company. and i wonder how come i've never done this before.
before that, tomorrow night is time to paaaarrrrrttttaaaaay!